Aqeef's is now 9.1kg at 5 months old..
Almost all the nurse at KK seksyen 7 Shah Alam wants to hold him..
'Budak semangat' they call him..
Abis kene cubit anak momma ni..
Still fully bf..
Feel a lil proud when the nurse said to each other,"ni la budak fully bf"...
At least i did something right kan..
Being a new mother always makes me doubt if raised my son right or not?
Paranoid all the time tau!
Aqeef becomes more and more attached to me since i'm not working YET..
Still unemployed..
Nobody wants to hired me yet..huhu
as for my plan..?
hmm..tah la..
sedih sgt actually..Everythings that i plan seem kapush je..
the news that i've been waiting rasenye tak perlu di tunggu since ....malas la cite..
kene buat plan baru walaupun rasa dah give up sangat..pasrah pon ade..
Dalam mood rasa pasrah semue ni..teringat my uncle said to me when he looks at Aqeef,"pandai ko jaga Aqeef sha"..
Semangat kejap..Because nobody ever said that to me..
So,sekarang ni kene doa tabahkan ati n kuatkan semangat banyak2..
Coz rasa down tu memang menebal..huhu
takut gak effect milk production..
till next entry~byeeeeeeee
p/s:bye bye UK..hello putrajaya
1 comment:
..bagus nye naik berat die...sure elok graf tumbesaran die...NAzhan nazhan timbang 4 bln 8.4lg...but then timbang 5 bln turun 400g...dh kurang bambam sbb active sgt,,,
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