4 jan - after 2 week at kl,hubby kene balik penang..sedih je rasa..die balik ngn kawan die.. So lepas die balik dlm kol 4 lebih tu, kemas sikit brg baby, tgk series..time maghrib tu, nak mandi before solat tgk aku gunk of lendir+brownish spot.. Trus call hubby..xdpt..!
Call mama..xdpt..!
Call sister..xdpt..!
Abah g surau xbawak hp..adeh..
Call mil tnye betul ke ni..she said yes..soh g klinik check.. I call my cuz and after we when there..doc check,still no opening.. He advice me to walk more..when finally i got to call hubby,luckily die br kt rawang..i said,"tanda dh turun..patah balik!!" and he did..huhu..
5 jan - straight when to HPJ, ctg again..doc check my opening.. Its 1 cm.. Warded..
The whole day spent,walking around wad 5A..huhu..but still 1cm opening..
6 jan - induced using pill inserted down there.. Start getting cramps..but still hubby and i push myself to walk around sumore.. Still. Opening 1cm..
Seriously frustrated.. Feels like going home..
7 Jan - frust.. Start to think this is false labor.. Ask doc if can go home.. Doc say cannot..because of the contraction.. She said this is the last induce..pray that it works..
My friend, mun and shireen came to visit.. Still can laugh around even though the pain start to kicking in..
Ctg again..suddenly heart the baby heartbeat a lil bit diff..nurse looking sooooo panic.. She start to push whatever button behind me.. People start to rush into my room.. Hubby and i looking so clueless here..nurse start to massage my tummy..to get the normal heartbeat back..
As she explain to the 1 snobish looking doc about what happened,another 2 doc came in..they keep talking to themselves and suddenly 1 tray was pushed into the room . They check the opening, 2 cm.. So i asked what actually happened and what are they going to do kan.. So they said they found out that my baby might terbelit dgn his umbilical chord or fetal distree they call it.. So they going to burst the water bag to see the color of the water if the fetal already poop inside..time ni..selawat byk2 jela..tkt anything happened to my baby..
After they popped it, waterbag clear..so they have to push me into the labor room.. Hubby will accompany me inside the labor room..so we start to bring baby cloth and the nurse ask me to eat just incase it will be longgg journey..
Luckily mun bring me chicken soup and rice.. So,that will be my last pregnancy meal..huhu..
Next: labor room
Premium Beautiful

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Aqeef's arrival journey pt 2
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1 comment:
smpt lg ber'blog' awal2 pg.. nie mesti takleh nak tido nie... hehehe
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